2014年10月2日 星期四

Ruby 中 class 與 module 的差異.

來源: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151505/difference-between-a-class-and-a-module

想像一下~  module 就像是 library , 可以被其他 classs include or extend .

                class                      module                          
 instantiation  can be instantiated        can *not* be instantiated       
 usage          object creation            mixin facility. provide         
                                             a namespace.                  
 superclass     module                     object                          
 consists of    methods, constants,        methods, constants,             
                  and variables              and classes                   
 methods        class methods,             module methods,                 
                  instance methods           instance methods              
 inheritance    inherits behavior and can  No inheritance                  
                  be base for inheritance                                  
 inclusion      cannot be included         can be included in classes and  
                                             modules by using the include  
                                             command (includes all         
                                             instance methods as instance  
                                             methods in class/module)      
 extension      can not extend with        module can extend instance by   
                  extend command             using extend command (extends 
                  (only with inheritance)    given instance with singleton 
                                             methods from module)          

