If NZFSA detects amounts above these levels, a risk assessment will be undertaken, taking into account how much melamine is in the food and how much is likely to be eaten in a day. If it is likely that anticipated consumption levels of the food will cause people to exceed the 0.5 mg/kg bodyweight tolerable daily intake, or there is a suspicion of adulteration, then the appropriate regulatory action will be taken.
如果NZFSA發現高過此量,會開始進行風險評估,考慮食物中應該有多少melamine和一天可能吃下多少量。如果預期食物攝取會超過 0.5mg/kg體重的TDI,或是懷疑有摻雜物,就會有適當的管制行動。
The measures NZFSA has imposed at the border will provide further assurances that products containing contaminated Chinese dairy ingredients should not enter New Zealand. From Tuesday, Customs checks will identify risk consignments at the border. Identified risk consignments will be stopped on arrival and only released when they have been found to meet New Zealand test requirements.
如同他們自己所批評的『不惜掩蓋科學事實的行徑,甚至惡意誤導觀眾,台灣媒體的惡質化,莫此為甚。』媒體身為第四權,擁有極大 的影響力,民眾因為相信而受害時,媒體是否有出來道歉過?把這種攸關國民健康的議題,扯到是政治惡鬥,那為何行政院長不敢喝下衛生署允許販賣的奶水?還引 用林芳郁「偉大的國家,是看民眾有多少知識與品格,是否相信學者專家」,如果這些學者專家片面取義,把不該加在食品中的東西勸說民眾吃下去,那我們是否應 該繼續盲目的相信學者專家?
以下是前來引用的連結 '媒體惡質化 莫此為甚!' 來自 TSUBASA 的台東苦悶筆記.